Levrone Transformation, Sled/Shrugs/Hyper Extensions • LevroneReport.com

Mixing it up a little with some power sled sprints, shoulder shrugs and hyper extensions for lower back.

The sled builds power and explosive acceleration, and is an intense anaerobic cardio workout. Harder than it looks – I had to catch my breath after that last set. If you don’t have a sled, try working some explosive sprints or hill climbs into your workout.

After you check out these videos, please let me know what you think my supplement should be called. As I mentioned, it’s NO-based, with a unique blend of natural anti-fatigue elements, mood elevators and flushing agents.

It makes me feel heated up, pumped and focused, and it allows me to get through ridiculously long, hard workouts. The blend is awesome. I make no such promises about the marketing – that’s where you come in.

Put up your product name idea right here on this thread in the next 24 hours. I’ll pick my top 5 then I’ll put it to a vote on this blog. Winner gets a free three-month supply of my formula and a personal phone call of gratitude from me.

– Kevin

50 yard sled sprints

130 LB  8 sets



225 lbs x6 

315 lbs x6

405 lbs x6

405 lbs x6 



2 sets of 12 with Body Weight 

2 sets of 12 with 25 LBs

467 Responses to Levrone Transformation, Sled/Shrugs/Hyper Extensions • LevroneReport.com

  1. doug says:


  2. nic says:

    Transform – Thought it would be a fitting name for a product that you have used in your transformation. Keepin’ it simple.

  3. John says:

    I would call it “Full Blown”! Obviously the best choice for a product used and endorsed by Kevin Levrone himself.

    Also I want to tell you how motivational this site is. Thanks.


  4. John says:

    Not sure if my last post went through, but I would call it “Full Blown”.


  5. Bakri New Zealand says:



    “NO2 FLUSH”


    • Adam says:

      lmao that sounds like a laxative

    • Bakri New Zealand says:


      NO2 FLUSH

      Get ready to explode in your next workout!

      Kevin Levrone’s very own NO2 supplement secret. Formulated during his 8 week Transformation.

      Bigger pumps, unique blends of anti-fatigue elements that will get you through an intense workout! You’ll feel your mood elevated and reduced lactic acid buildup.

      NO2 FLUSH!! What else is there baby! Kevin Levrone.


      • Roger says:

        It is risky saying that it’s been formulated during a 8 week transformation. That may be true, but it doesn’t sound like there’s lots of research gone into the product if it was formulated in a few weeks. I’m sure Kevin’s man has worked on this for a long time, but it gotta be worded correctly.

  6. Adam says:

    Full Blown by Kevin Levrone

  7. Tony M says:

    Well, I know this is kind of an all too obvious option, but since it’s an No2 supplement, I think you’ve got to consider “Full Blown.”

  8. MattP says:


  9. Andy says:

    Full Blown Performance

    Too easy, but that is name that I think would get the buzz going in the bodybuilding world which then spills out to the the average gym-goer.

  10. Fordman65 says:

    Great idea Kevin! I love how you are keeping the people that follow your blog involved on a damn near daily basis. Very cool.

    My idea for a name would be

    “M3 Explosion” by Kevin Levrone

  11. craig says:

    Maryland Muscle Shocker by Kevin Levrone…..

  12. Nelson says:

    There’s no other possible name BUT FullBlown.

  13. Moz says:

    ‘Muscle Machine’ by Kevin Levrone

  14. David Sandoval says:


  15. Sam says:

    how about: “NITRIC SLAM” ?

  16. Tom says:


    I’ve read what you have posted about this supplement. You’ve said it pumps you up and you feel a surge or heat go through you. If this is a liquid supplement… I say LIQUID FIRE suits it very well. If not a liquid… I think IGNITION sounds very cool. Hope these help!


  17. Kyle says:

    NO Fuel

    • John says:


      I’ve read what you’ve said about how this supplement makes you feel. You have described awesome pumps and a surge of heat through your body. If this is a liquid supplement…

      I think LIQUID FIRE is perfect.

      If it is not a liquid.. I think you should go with…


      Good luck picking the name. I think you should use mine! Keep up the hard work. You are looking great.


  18. SammieSam says:

    u should call it “Cranked!” or “Crunk Juice”

  19. sethgod32 says:

    Finally, the true reason for all this… a marketing campaign!!!
    Grats for sucking us all in 😉

  20. anthony says:

    Honestly I think you should call it Full Blown- its an awesome name, describes the type of product (ie. NO2 vs. creatine, for instance) and is something you’re well known for. But if you dont wanna go that route, what else can you tell us about it? Color? Does it have stims? Anything unique about it non-ingredient wise?

  21. kukacomone says:




    The Mental Edge

  22. C says:

    Man…as a fan, I was really hoping there wouldn’t be any sort of supplement business/marketing element to this.

  23. kukacomone says:

    and one more:

    Proper NO

    ! 😀

  24. Scott says:

    Naturally Pumped

  25. Eric says:


    Keep it simple and relate it to your eight week transformation.

    By Kevin Levrone

    Transform your body as Kevin Levrone did with the new NO blend specially formulated by Full Blown himself, Kevin Levrone! Witness his 8 week transformation at Levrone Report.com!

  26. Chris Winfield says:

    theres already a supplement called full blown extreme.. I thought of having NO-Limits , but thats taken too… muscle machine doesnt sound like its a supplement just from the name.. FullBlown is a great one

    but it applied to the DVD so you need something that would pull them apart from each other. It might make the supplement better advertised due to the name , or it could make it confusing since people know of a fullblown dvd , or to people who dont know at all that look up fullblown without knowing its a supplement.

    “people are stupid” not in a rude way but it could get lost to alot of people.

    So far fullblow sounds good. but its gonna be distingued where people who look it up wont be like oo nvm its a dvd not a supplement. Extra advertising.


  27. Scott A says:


    I will be waiting for my call Kev 🙂


  28. T says:

    FULL Effect

  29. Moz says:

    Transformation – By Kevin Levrone


  30. Scaffer says:

    N.O surrender

    ..dont surrender to fatigue??

  31. Roger says:

    NO – APEX
    NO – FULLBLOWN (this suggestion is a given of course)

    I could keep going all day. Definitely get your name on it. Your name is the brand man. ‘By Kevin Levrone’, or ‘The Levrone Way’ or something along those lines is gold. Should have another tagline under the main brand name that describes what the product actually does. Like ‘Increase Strength & Intensity’ etc. Keep it simple and easy. Don’t make it too hip. No point having a fancy tagline that doesn’t help the consumer to understand what the product will do for him/her when they look at it in the shelf.

    Rock n’ roll.

  32. Ramon says:

    Trans-blown – N.O. how to get your transformation on.

  33. Ben says:

    It should be called “NO-Rage” once it hits your system it brings out the caged animal inside of you.

  34. T says:

    NO Fatigue

  35. Michael says:


  36. Taylor says:

    I would say something with your name it in kevin. I would first need to know if your going to put any type or supplement “line” together because then it would have something to do with your name and not your individual products. Anyways I’ll throw some out there.

    *NO M3*
    *NO FokuZ*
    *NO Levrone*
    *NO Fusion*

  37. kevin says:


    I do believe that you are all natural, at this point, because I have been in the game long enough to distinguish enhancement with anabolics and a natural physique. Question is–why would you want to train naturally?

    • ben says:

      so that he doesn’t have a heart attack and die young!

    • Bakri New Zealand says:

      If Kevin WAS to go on the juice, wouldn’t it be better to do it once he’s built a good foundation naturally? I don’t know much about anabolics but thought it would make sense doing it that way instead of juicing up from the beginning. Open to critism on that as like I said, I ain’t no expert.

    • D says:

      Ru serious?!

  38. Todd says:

    FULL Effect



  39. Alex says:

    N.O. – One (1)

    The NO product that will make you the “One”.

    By Kevin LevrONE

  40. andrew reese says:


    Ene Mene Miny NO

    Gladiator Fuel

  41. karolyberkeczi says:

    Levrone Rush, Levrone NO Rush, Levrone Fusion, Levrone NO Fusion.

  42. M3 says:

    it should be “Psycho Fire: M3 Muscle Tuner”

  43. James says:

    I definatley think you should incorporate Full Blown as the name is associated with you already. However, I think you should only prefix the product with this name. For example Full Blown Intensity. That way if you ever come out with anything else it will fit in to a “Full Blown” line of products. Several products for example all “Full Blown ” for a cohesive line.

    In the case of the NO2 product, I would go with one of the following:

    Full Blown Intensity
    Full Blown Focus
    Full Blown Rush
    Full Blown Ignition

    • James says:

      Now if you ever were to market a creatine product it might be:

      Full Blown Power or
      Full Blown Size

      Protein could be:

      Full Blown Builder
      Full Blown Repair

      etc. All about the consistancy. Also, keep it up Kevin. You really seem to be enjoying life and having 100,000+ people rooting for you sure can’t hurt.

  44. corvin25 says:

    Hmmm a name that does not SALLEY any PRESSURE and sound POOR…a name that CASTS AWAY all doubt so that you can DISTANCE its performance from the others… one that in TIME will not be forgotten or UNSPOKEN… one that does not sound like any others so your not BURNING BRIDGES over WHATS DONE…a name that says the product behind the label speaks TRUTH and wont have people saying DASVIDANIA before they try it…

    ..certainly a name that is real..and not a “MIRAGE”

    my 3 entries:



    “SHOCK & AWE”

  45. John says:

    I posted twice before with the name of “Full Blown” when there was only one response up top but for some reason it doens’t seem to be working….

  46. Lloyd says:

    “Naturals Only”
    By: bodybuilding guru, Kevin Levrone

    Suggested by: Lloyd A.

  47. JL2 says:

    1. N.O. Buoyancy!

    I know it sounds kinda crazy but I love NHRA Drag Racing and I know what nitromethane does in cars. Just like the feeling you described when you take the supp.

    Nitromethane: Produced specifically as a fuel for drag racing, it is the result of a chemical reaction between nitric acid and propane.

  48. RobNL says:

    Well I’d like to try this formula for sure. The results are amazing. My suggestion for the name is “Levrone Leverage”.


  49. Kryze says:

    Some ideas.. I like the names starting with “M3”:

    M3 Force
    M3 Nitro Stack (or just M3 Nitro)
    M3 Pump Stack (or just M3 Pump)
    M3 Formula-1 (or Formula-X)

    Otherwise, something with Full Blown always works.
    “FullBlown Stack”, “FullBlown Formula”, etc.

  50. Tony says:

    Got a few ideas: NO-fire, NO-heat, NO-pump, NO-burn, NO-focus, sounds better with nitric instead of NO though; nitric fire, nitric heat, nitric pump, nitric burn, nitric focus, nitric growth, nitric power, nitric muscle primer, here’s one without nitric or NO in it: anabolic primer.

    Can’t wait to see what you look like by week 8 kevin, keep going strong!

  51. Jake says:


    I think this should be the slogan:

    LevrONE…the ONE

    Optimal Nitro Enhancement

    It’s a 3 in one product different than everything else out there….Kev baby, you have the competitive edge here because you have the three components in your formula that include: mood, NO, and cleansing.

    It’s the ONE baby.


  52. Peter P. says:

    “ACCELERVRONE – NO compromise”

    Reasons for voting:
    1. It´s a fusion of the item acceleration & your family name Levrone. That´s unique.
    2. The subtitle NO compromise is an ambivalent play on words.

    Of cause You could use
    a. “Accelervrone” or
    b. “No compromise”
    by their own.

    Greetings from Germany, Peter

  53. Ryan says:

    How about:
    1- NO-torious
    2- NO-frills
    3- N0-Option?

  54. Marco says:

    Here’s some ideas

    NO-Trigger (or triggr)
    Xtremergy (xtreme + energy)

  55. hector A says:


  56. Druss says:


  57. Carl @ UNC says:

    I think “M3” sounds good on it’s own. Or maybe “Olympia”. And then have something to go with it like “Supplement by Kevin Levrone”.

  58. brent koboroff says:



    just a few off the top of my head as it could almost be like a herbal anti depressant with the combination of NO

    good luck cheers B

  59. matt says:

    Hardcore NO2 by Levrone Labs

  60. anthony says:

    how about metamorphosis but write it as M3TAMORPHOSIS

  61. gpaasche says:

    Levrone NO++


    NO-fexor xp

    and my favorite


    As you say it gives you a natural high like a natural anti depressant with NO2 combined

    good stuff and good luck
    cheers B

  63. Jake says:

    LevrONE…the ONE.


    Optimal Nitro Enhancement

  64. Mike says:

    NO – NitroCystic
    NO – Backfire
    NO – Noxious Air
    NO – Nitrazine
    No – LiquidFortis
    NO – SevereBlast
    NO – RapidFuel
    NO – Hostile

  65. Jake says:

    LevrONE…the ONE


    Optimal Nitro Enhancement

  66. Matt Knight says:

    Yo Kevin………………………M3o2

  67. Mike says:


  68. Steve W says:

    Levrosian Explosion

  69. Jake H says:

    LevrONE….the ONE


    Optimal Nitro Enhancement

  70. Matt S says:

    Fulblown would actually be a cool name if max muscle didnt have it for a name of a product already. A name that just poped in my head when reading this would be HEADRUSH. What cha think?? God bless you all and train hard, Time for me to eat…

    Matt S
    Stockton ca…

  71. SammieSam says:


  72. NO REDEMPTION by K. Levrone

    “For unparallel comebacks”

    I appreciate your hard work and dedication to transform yourself and inspire others.
    Regardless of the criticism, you have shown others how to get back on the right path of bettering one’s self.
    Redemption is liberation and release.

    Shine on Kevin.

  73. jam.JOsh says:

    -Knuckle Down
    -Spot Light
    -Nitro Edge
    -Dig Deep, D2, DoubleD
    -Nito Essence
    -Bottom Line
    -Zoned In, Zone n’ Hone
    -Levrone Zone

  74. Michael says:


  75. Adam says:

    Anabolic Nitro XP
    a Kevin Levrone product.

  76. Nate Anderson says:

    NOticed or NO quit by Levrone.

  77. Tim S. says:

    NO-Power Surge.

  78. Matthew says:



    NO-Your-Levrone-Jabroni 🙂

    NO, Baby!

  79. John says:

    Great Posts! Goodluck Kevin!

  80. Rob S says:

    “Jacked Daniels”

  81. John says:


  82. D says:

    I like the N.O. Option name, Lloyd stated, it’s the best one.

  83. Seth K says:

    ‘NO Power Pump’
    ‘NO Power Slide’

    ‘Unbreakable by Levrone’
    ‘Unstoppable by Levrone’

    ‘Levrone: PowerMass’

    ‘Nitro Glycerin’
    ‘Nitro Burn’
    ‘Nitro Power’

    ‘by Kevin Levrone’

    and lastly

    NO powerpump by Levrone.

  84. Paul says:

    I was thinking full blown


    Dynamite+your special “mix”= Dynamix


  85. Egor says:

    N.O. porn – pure HARDCORE!
    by Levrone 🙂

  86. Jace-uk says:


    say NO to failure
    Levrone systems NO to naturally assist your body ,powering you thru your workout & promoting Endurance

    all levrone products are formulated to naturally assist your bodys systems to get the absolute maximum from every work out ,while promoting recovery and healing

  87. Jimmy says:

    Sweden here…

    Great idea to let your fans come up with name suggestions to this NO-formula.
    And after I´ve looked through the threads above, some really good names are already there. The choice is yours, man =)

    Have I misunderstood or does this blogreport stop after that these 8 weeks has passed?
    If you stop this report Kevin, what are you going to do next? Continue with your workouts or stop and focus on working and marketing the NO-product?


    /Jimmy, Sweden

  88. I think you are the Superman of bodybuilding so i found some surnames of you who can be the name of your product :

    Asteroid (if you want do pun about your product who can have pump effect like the steroids do, it’s smaller than Meteoroids)

    Meteor (like the meteor who crashed on Earth in the Superman movie when he was baby because you are greatest and famous than superman in the bodybuilding’s galaxy)

    Meteoroid (a sand- to boulder-sized particle of debris in the Solar System, it’s another pun with roid but less then A-steroid)

    Free Asteroid or Asteroid Free (If you want less steroid connotation)

    I hope you’ll enjoy these product names

    P.S: Sorry for my poorn english

    Sofien from France

  89. Dementor says:

    My contribution to the name:

    The One


    Leverage ONE

    Rage ONE

  90. Kim says:

    “NO pain NO gain”
    plain and simple =)

  91. Marcus V says:

    Levronelizer/Levronecharge/d or just Levrone,try something unique to stand out and not use words like energy,extreme,nitro,super etc

    You giving up acting Kevin? – or just trying to get a stable income?

  92. Greg says:

    Maryland Muscle Mix

  93. Ryan S says:

    Muscle Factory Nutrition by Kevin Levrone

  94. Johan Hulle says:

    – LevrONE Rampage

    – “Berserk”

    – N.O. holds bar

    – Mind control

    – Bloodfury

    – Static shock

    – “Unleached”

    Or how about plain and simple – “Levrone” nitrous oxide

  95. Scott W says:

    Uncontrolled N.O.
    N.O. Unrestrained

  96. Tony H says:

    “Focus” by Kevin Levrone


    “Powered Up”

  97. You can mix my previous propositions with M3 (your video) or NO (Nitric Oxide)like:

    Meteor 3 (with the M of meteor and the 3 of your video M3, the logo can be an meteor or 3 meteor and the blue earth symbolized by the O of meteOr)i can do a rough sketch if you want)

    Meteor M3 or NO Meteor

    Asteroid NO

    NO Asteroid (Pun with “no steroid”)

    M3 Asteroid

    I hope you’ll enjoy these product names

    P.S: Sorry for my poorn english

    Sofien from France

  98. Agostino says:



  99. Ludo says:


  100. Ernie P says:

    e-NOrvel or eNOrvel …. that’s Levrone backwards!

  101. RoB says:

    Kevin Levrone presents:

    ReBorn- “N.O will never be the same!”

  102. Peter B says:


    Its all about putting in the work. Doing work. It works……

  103. RoB says:

    Kevin Levrone Presents:

    ReBorn- “N.O. Will Never Be The Same!”

  104. Dan S. says:

    No2 overdrive/overtime
    No2 Distortion
    Nitrus Ignition
    No2 Everlast/outlast
    No2 Encore
    Inspire NO2 blend
    Nitrus momentum
    N.O. fear

    some good ideas on this blog!

  105. James says:



  106. D says:

    a. to get started or ready
    b. to stimulate, activate, or produce
    c. to increase one’s efforts, output, etc.

    But I love FULBLOWN too!

  107. Gsk says:

    Lsm (levrone’s “secret” mixture)- feels like angels pee on your tongue 🙂 just kidding 🙂

  108. vird says:

    like there are no limits of getting bigger
    you can get ass many mass as you want as quick as you want like kevin – there are no limits

  109. nobody says:

    If he calls it anything other than full blown hes retarded lol. Everyone knows full blown represents him so it would sell and make marketing that much better.

    Adding the “no” part is cliche and been done wayyy too many times. FULL BLOWN is all he needs and possibly add an XXXtreme at the end for emphasis and effect haha

    • Jana says:

      I disagree. Full Blown obviously represents a completely different market. (Music)
      I do not think it would be a good marketing scheme to mix the two.
      The supplement should be seperated from the bands performance and acceptance.

  110. Jeremy says:

    ‘Full-Tilt’ or ‘Flat-out’

    by Kevin Levrone

  111. the_gift says:

    Levrone’s Nitro-drol

  112. Joey says:

    How about NO “Ignite”

    btw keep up the great work Kevin and helping me stay hungry and motivated.

  113. Luke says:

    Hi Kevin,
    my suggestions for the name of your new supplement:

    “diNO-max” or only “diNO”

    In design of product use bodybuilding dinosaurus theme.

  114. cru jones says:

    No2 Heat

  115. Savier says:


    simple, yet affective. No hype, no gimmick, it just works 😉

    Keep it up kevin, you’re looking great man. Very Motivational. Good Cardio session, switching it up building some strength in the process. Keep it up.

  116. nickaus says:

    Hey there Mr. Levrone!
    Long time fan.
    Since starting your transformation, your M3 dvd has hit the dvd player many times.

    My ideas for your new supplement:

    – “NOne Other” or “NO Other”.
    (the “NO” in the word “NOne” is “Nitric Oxide” and is supposed to mean no other N.O product like yours. Much like fans all beleive that there will never be another Levrone).

    – “In NO Time”
    (again, “NO” = “nitric oxide” and the phrase “in no time” is referring back to what you have displayed in your transformation, going from avergae to jacked “in NO time!”

    – “LevrONe
    (if you notice, the “ON” in the name “Levrone” are in capital letters. On the bottom of these 2 letters, are “NO” standing for “nitric oxide” again.
    Altogether it reads “Levrone ON NO” or “Levrone is on Nitric Oxide”
    Or when the question gets asked in the gym “what are you on? “I’m on Levrone N.O”

    – “Levrone Charge”
    (as you mention it gives you energy)

    – “Levrone Rush”

    – “Levrone Endurance”
    (for that Levrone type of endurance it gave you while you were using it)

  117. Kapp says:


    and srsly no ERUPTIONS or FLUSHES, sounds dodgey to me 😀

  118. Norweigian says:

    I think we got to stay away from those other NO-name-stuff-ideas. Hey, isn`t there over 300 millons of you guys over there?. We cannot let this new formula drown in the NO-ocean, baby. I think “I`ll be back, I`m back”, Levrone Returns With Burns, or maybe Back For Good will give us the chance not to be another NO in the wall.

    Yeah, thats it. baby, “Back for good” – with KevLevrone.

    Maybe also “Thriller killer”, but i guess your ass would be grass if u used that one nowadays:-)

    Anyway, i think its very easy in 2009 for a new NO-product to become too invincible and a levrone-transformation-name-focus would be a lot better and more mysterious than a NO-sort of name:-)

    • Rob says:

      Yeah I totally agree with you Norweigian.

      Kevin you don’t want to use a NO=, nitro, Nitrix or any similar type name and see your product get drowned out and thought of as just another plain old Nitrix product. You also don’t want it to sound cheesy and cheap by using a name like super, mega, max, power or 1000 (or any number variation) etc etc.

      *Please, no offence to those who may have suggested any of those type names, it’s nothing personal.

      This is a totally unique amazing product and proven by yourself to be 100% effective! The name needs to be plain, simple and direct. The name needs to stand out amongst the rest. It needs a name that conveys it’s power/what it’s about, a name that people instantly relate to you, the one and only, the man!!!…”kevin Levrone”.

      …I like “FULL-BLOWN” or any variation of that. Ok, here’s a suggestion: “3m FULL-BLOWN”.

      At the end of the day, no matter what it’s called I will be sure to try it.

      Good luck to everyone and thank you Kevin for giving us the privilege/honor to suggest a name for your product.


      • Rob says:

        sorry Kevin,

        Correction – I meant to say “m3 FULL-BLOWN” not 3m, ha ha ha.

      • Rob says:

        or perhaps “FULL-BLOWN…by M3”.

        I don’t think there is really a need for any slogan as the FULL-BLOWN speaks for itself. Like when you hear the name Ferrari or Lamborghini, you instanly know top class, the best etc and thats what this product is.

  119. Alex says:

    M3 Kapow
    M3 Ultra Pump
    M3 Supa Pump
    Super Duper Muscle Fuel
    Maryland Muscle Max
    Unstoppable Muscle
    Macho Man — some guy on a bb forum linked me to this and I can’t get it out of my head, so I had to put it down, lol

    or remove “M3”

    man, my suggestions are so weak compared to everyone else’s here

  120. nickaus says:

    – “M3″
    …”Maryland Muscle Mix!”

  121. nickaus says:

    Following on from the best bodybuilding dvd “M3” comes the product…
    “Maryland Muscle Mix”

  122. mnk says:

    My idea is simple…

    …it reminds…

    and of course…
    Kevin Levrone

  123. musclenz says:


    Pure Nitros Growth & Power Synergy

    Good luck with the new product. You are certainly creating a storm around the world BBing community. Impressive.

    New Zealand

  124. NPCKnight says:

    N.O. Reborn


    Second Coming

  125. Eiichi says:

    “The one”

  126. sami says:

    Will it be possible to buy it if you live in sweden?

    Take care!

  127. Sean says:

    Second Coming

  128. Tomas says:

    Here is my contribution for the product name:
    “Maryland Mass”


  129. Thad says:


    • Thad says:

      Italian for intensity/force/power/strength. Pretty much sums up what dedicated training is all about, and your product enhances these attributes.

  130. Keith says:


    Think about it….. Gigantic explosion.

    Explosive strength, vascularity, endurance, etc.

  131. mark says:

    Ok, I’ll bite. How about NO – Bull

  132. Roger says:

    Some say bodybuilders have no brains, but I think we’ve all proven we’re all marketing gurus! Well done guys! 😉

    Take my word for it, there will be other supp companies stealing some of our ideas. Bastards.

  133. Kain6033 says:

    Hi Kevin!

    My idea: Blow-through!

    It’ll blow us through the training, with its unlimited power!

    Kevin Levrone’s Blow-through!

  134. Luke H. says:


    Simple and very memorable…yeah baby!

  135. Stan says:

    Marvel S (marvellous)

  136. Edo says:

    Hi Kevin! Thx for your workouts Kevin .I’m a big fan of your blog.It’s an awesome inspiration and motivation.

    My 0.2 name: “Levronian Rage” 😉

    Greetings from Italy

  137. Jeremy says:


    or if you want to relate more to the transformation


  138. Alex, sweden says:

    LevroPumped ??

    -alex sweden

  139. Tim Tilburg says:

    The sled is great to put in your workout sometimes, but takes allot of energy from you!!!! Great to see you showing diffrent things Kevin.

    As for the name of the NO product, easy: IN YOUR FACE!!!!!

  140. jj says:

    It should clearly be called: LevrNOe or keviNO

  141. Colossus says:

    Call it: FULLBLOWN
    It’s simple and perfect.

    That name just screams Kevin Levrone!

  142. Juiced03 says:

    “Natural Power” by Kevin Levrone, guranteed to produce “unnatural” results!

  143. craig says:


  144. Alexander says:

    Nice to see you doing other stuff to! your the best!

    Anyway i am going to put this out there.

    “No2 Inspiration” , cause thats whats been up alot inspiration and motivation, thats the main foundation of this blog!

  145. craig says:

    Your awesome man, check in every day and think your No. 1.

    I think a good name would be ReBuilder

  146. Hugues says:


  147. Dragos says:

    Kev, your personality is really addicting man. Keep it up, I cant get enough of these videos!

    Been watching since day 1, just amazing. Can we switch genes? haha

  148. raks says:

    -Kevin Spearm! “drink it and start growing”
    -Anabolic Spearm!
    -Spearm from heart!
    -No2 Spearm!
    -Im doing it for cash! no2!

  149. Hugues says:


  150. Dragos says:

    Full Blown would be a great name for your pre workout product by the way.

    Full Blown – Release your Potential

    Its a pre workout product so you want to convey excitement and intensity; this is what the product will do…focus, endurance, pumps, etc…

    Either way, I will give this product a try the day it comes out and gladly put away my NO Xplode and White Flood. Gonna be hard to beat, but I look forward to it.

    Just remember man, you MUST…MUST have a pic of you doing your famous side chest pose on the damn container. I will be pissed if you dont! haha Its basically mandatory. Check out your england grand prix shoots, you looking freakishly good there.

  151. Roderic says:


    Stay focused on your pump with Kevin Levrone

    If you need a powerlifter to test your product with massive squatting deadlifting etc… drug free, I’m in!!!

  152. Nitric says:

    – The Zone
    – Focus

  153. Patrik says:

    Kevin this is what you should name you new blend:

    Outrageous by Kevin Levrone

    Im sure it will do well.

  154. AlexGermany says:

    NO-Crusher or Full Blown sounds good too.

  155. Andrew says:



  156. Simon says:

    This is my suggestion

    NO – Transformation continuer/enhancer/catalysator
    The Levrone Effect

    Cheers from swe

  157. Nilzzone says:

    NO-Brutal Impact

    Because of the influence you have given us 🙂

  158. Alexander says:

    “Kevin Levrone’s: Ground and Pound Essentials”

  159. Alex2 says:

    Not sure if it got through the first time but,

    “Kevin Levrone’s: Ground and Pund Essentials”


  160. Mike Crowell says:

    NANO Surge
    no fatigue
    X factor

  161. Mike says:

    NO Levrone NO party
    NO time to waste
    NO Weakness

    on a slightly more serious note.

    Levrone Ignition – Workout Booster

  162. Frederik says:

    to the limit

  163. gary says:

    – m3 levronestyle
    – no pumped
    – m3 focused

  164. MKn says:

    Hi Kevin,

    A few more for you…


    “The Base” / “the base compound”


    Keep training Kevin very inspiring these 5 weeks been.

    Thank you!!


  165. Karammujo says:

    Very crazy man…”The pushcart of the Levrone”.

    Here in my city don’t have place to make this. That ShiT!

  166. Byrd says:

    NO Endless Surge

    NO Endless Rampage

    NO Bloodthirst

    NO Berserker

    NO Devastation

  167. john says:

    Kevin i worked for 18 yrs in sales/direct marketing/advertising in DC and it doesn’t take rocket science to know that over all the product line should be full blown ,all your fans relate this to you,even dave and john in the interview referenced the nick name full blown,it’s instant name recognition to you.There have been many great ideas already posted for this product,i am just offering my experience if you need any help? and good luck to everyone who has posted a great idea ,i do have a strong opinion of 2 that i have seen already that are really great and stand out very strong ! hit me back and i’ll point them out Kevin ,good luck to all ,cya !

  168. Chris G says:


  169. Mike says:


  170. Mike says:

    M3 motivation

  171. john says:

    i am back,just had a brainstorm ! take full blown workouts to the next level with the pre workout supplement “OVER BLOWN”

  172. Apofis says:

    In my opinion it should be simple and easy to remember.


    -best anti fatigue formula ever



    By one and only: Kevin Levrone.

    It means that the supplement is the best and also that this is the top NO based formula. On the other hand, it can be explained as a pattern from Kevin’s surname. Very good for marketing.

  173. sven says:

    just call it formula levrone simple name but it’s perfect

  174. John Honeyman says:

    YOU are the brand so your name has to be on there.
    I would go for either of these :-

    Levrone Muscle Fuel

    Maryland Muscle Fuel
    by Kevine Levrone

  175. B_Habit says:


  176. William says:

    NO bull Levrone ;D .. i know dave palumbo and john romano used “no bull” as name for their radio show when they worked at md, but don’t u think it would work;P?

  177. Andreas says:

    hello my man Andreas here from luleå sweden!!!
    keep up the hard work… you are the man::
    here are some name ides..
    power pack
    maximum overdrive
    full blown or super blown
    no2 blown
    levrones own

  178. Mike UK says:

    Hey Kevin,

    Really enjoying the videos and updates.

    Name should be KL-Fusion or KL-Pumped.


    Mike (UK)

  179. John H says:

    If you are planning any Beta testing note my E-mail address Dude as I and friends would be willing to try. Drug free too 🙂

  180. Josh says:

    You do not want to be associated with NO-explode so I suggest staying away from NO in the product name. Your name is already branded and has a great reputation. Market your ability to create a mind muscle connection through stimulation and quality ingredients that will push your body to the next level.

    Product Name: Dualin

    Slogan: Engages the power of the mind and the body

    A product made by Kevin Levrone

    Keep the updates comming Kevin!

  181. Dave says:

    -K.L.1 (Kevin Levr-One)

    -K.L.1 Blend

    -K.L Blend

    -K.L.1 Octane

    -K.L Octane

    -K.L’s Natures Blend

    Im feelin’ the K.L.1 Initials

  182. andy says:

    I’m enjoying watching your progress Kevin. Here’s my ideas for what they are worth.

    NO King
    Turbo K
    NO Devil
    Hell NO

  183. Adam says:

    Levitate by Levrone.

  184. Mo H. says:

    -NO or M3 Locked n’ Loaded


  185. valentin says:

    no m3
    nitric m3
    no machine
    levrone fusion no
    full levrone no
    pumping m3
    miracle no
    m3 booster

  186. Sam says:


    I personally like KeV³ as its like a chemical symbol that emphasizes your name as the brand itself and keeps the mystique surrounding the supplement, hence generating more curiosity which would mean more sales.

  187. Freddyo says:


    dive into the max

  188. alex says:

    NO – cullion
    NO – twinge
    NO – supremacy
    NO – Acrylic
    NO – blizzard
    NO – limits

  189. Hans says:

    Vron E

  190. Elias says:


  191. benny says:


  192. Spacemarine says:


    “Do it natural baby!”

  193. serge says:

    ignite No2

  194. Karl says:

    The Levrone Factor

    Pretty much sums it all up..

  195. Spacemarine says:


  196. Jason says:

    M3 Enigma
    M3 Thrust

  197. Lucas says:

    NO Storm
    NO Fusion Fuel
    NO Break-through

  198. Lucas says:

    (NO) Punch

  199. kenbo213 says:

    To be frank, Full Blown sounds just about right, to me, just thinking about those two words makes me think, “Oh levrone” you know. I really dont have a name to come up with, but it would be nice if it had a RAW sound, usually that does it for me. lol, something along the lines of FULL BLOWN GENETICS , then you get into the description with detail of course, no bullshit , say what it does it point blank english, but whatever the name comes out to be, i’ll definitely buy it, i’m waiting for it to hit the market 🙂

  200. Panos says:

    well I ‘d go for “Full Blown”, but I think it’s been allready taken,so why not trying some other name from your album mirage or a mix.I’d go for

    “Full Pressure” or
    “Unspoken Pressure” or “Unspoken Burn” or “Burning Pressure” or “True Pressure” or plain ” Pressure” or “Dasvidaniya”.(I tried something with my favorite song,”Cast Away” but I could find nothing…

  201. Tom K says:

    Here are my top 5:

    The LevrONE
    N.O.-ONE (“one” taken from levrone)

    When you decide on a name for your product I could help you design the label if you want. Im going on my third year of college studying graphic design.

  202. Matthew says:

    “Levrone`s Burst Bomb”

  203. larry87 says:

    Here’s a few from me:

    Levrone Fuel




  204. BrokenOverdrive says:

    The Ingredient by Kevin Levrone

  205. Helio says:

    Hi Kevin,

    english in not my primary language but here are some titles.

    Full Power
    N.atural O.xygen

    Other thing that i wanted to ask for some time now is if you stop with bodybuilding after 2003 because of some health issue?

    Great to comment on your blog as always

  206. Emanuel says:

    NO By Levrone the name and brand that works

  207. Kevin says:

    Heated Transformation

  208. Jeffrey says:

    how about “Concentro” ?

  209. Scott says:


    The best marketing for supplements is viral. Friends telling friends what they’re using, what’s working for them. There’s so much crap out there that it’s very difficult for anyone to sort through it all, and having a 2-syllable name which has the association of powering up or some sort of massive action would work very well for grabbing people’s attention. It’s very low hype, and would stand out from some of the mega, super, NO, extreme names certainly.

  210. chay says:

    V I S U A L I Z E

  211. Mauricio A. says:


  212. Isaac says:

    I think you wanna stay away from anything with “NO” in it because people that havent been following this blog will just think its another NO2 product which isnt the label you’d want for your product id have thought.
    My suggestion is “super cruise” cause to me it suggests doing something normally very hard very easily.

  213. Under says:

    Plain and simple: HEAT

  214. Joelsatch says:

    Levrone MagNOtude
    Levrone CyproNOde

  215. Gaz says:

    Fullblown MMX (maryland muscle xtreme)

    Also on a complete sidenote, if you were to sell t-shirts with ”flex and squeeze baby” on them, id definatley buy one 🙂

  216. Diogo says:

    Just easy to catch :

    NO MMMix

    By Levrone.

  217. Enzo says:

    KevLev Genetic Marvel
    KevLev Natural Blend
    KevLev In10Z (or IntenZ, Intense)
    KevLev R3spONd

    Herbal Essence
    InFinit Mass

  218. zdsquared says:

    NO Ride

  219. SammieSam says:

    The Shi3t

  220. Justice says:

    Full Blown is the only choice. BTW, are you back on the East Coastfor this transformation? I remember meeting you in early 90’s or so with your cousin Andre at Supreme Sports Club. You have come a long way baby.

  221. Vitor Seifert says:

    I think that should be called BANG

  222. Diogo says:

    Simple and easy to catch the masses:

    No MMMix

    By Levrone.

  223. Eric says:

    Yeah NO-Visualize sounds like a hit to me!!

  224. Enzo says:

    Because it has anti fatique and mood elevators:

    Kevin Levrones Happy Time 😀

  225. David says:

    I would call it ” Elevator”…..

  226. Steve says:

    NO-Full Blown
    Maryland muscle machine transformator

  227. Joelsatch says:

    Levrone XyNOgyne
    Levrone Fusionize

  228. David says:

    Levrone NOX-treme

  229. David says:

    Levrone NO-X3M

  230. Juha says:

    “kNOckout” by Kevin Levrone

    “Power Surge” by Levin Levrone

  231. Andrew says:



  232. NYC Monstah says:

    Full Blown NO2 addition

  233. Riku says:

    Full Blown Fuel

  234. Jani says:

    I like the previous suggestions with Transform and Transformation.

  235. Chris says:

    Maximum Rush by Levrone Sports Performance

  236. bf5%yes says:


    Growth Explosion

    Renew and Grow

    Extreme Flush

  237. Lawrence says:

    hardore fusion

  238. Kevin S says:

    Full -NO- Blown
    Max Blown

  239. John L says:

    Awesome work Kevin!

    I think “The Compound” By Kevin Levrone sounds pretty cool!

    “The Compound”
    NO-based, with a unique blend of natural anti-fatigue elements, mood elevators and lactic acid flushing agents.
    The only way to train is to train with “The Compound”
    What more do you want baby!?!?

  240. Torsten says:

    Hi Kevin,

    how about:


  241. Torsten says:

    Hi Kevin,

    how about:

    TransX 24/7

  242. Tuncay says:

    i say


    by levrone

  243. John says:

    Nitrogen Monoxide, and on the label, have a picture of the checmical reaction that takes place in the body.

  244. John H says:

    ”Triple M”
    Maryland Muscle Machine
    By Levin Levrone



  245. Tony says:





  246. Tarvi says:

    Levrone Power (Y)

  247. jochapin says:


  248. RaniAH says:

    Supreme Oxide
    Deep burn

  249. mike says:

    NO2 – MAD RUSH

  250. one of them swedes says:

    Full Blown Fuel
    Titanic Duty / Mass / Fuel
    Be One – Mind Body

    Also, I feel asking ya, why no deads?

  251. Logan says:

    I’d like to see “Levrone Nutrition” as the name of the supplement line, as Kevin’s name carries a lot of weight with the bodybuilding/fitness community (think Yates, Gaspari) and “Fulblown Nitro” or some variation thereof (Fulblown NO2, etc.) as the name of the product. Fulblown provides a throwback to Kevin’s band (notice the way it is spelled) and could be used for a variety of products (Fulblown Whey, Fulblown Glutamine, and so forth).

  252. Lontra says:

    NO Nuke

  253. Stuart Counter says:

    I like full blown but people said it already, how about.


  254. RaniAH says:


  255. The big bad Z says:

    u the man! kevin!

  256. Stuart Counter says:

    Meltdown if it’s thermogenic.

  257. Stuart Counter says:

    Or Phoenix if you intend to use your rise from the ashes as a selling point.

  258. Stuart Counter says:

    Also M3-Recharge just popped into my head.

  259. mark0091 says:

    NOlympia ammo

  260. Danny says:

    N.O. – MERCY

  261. mike says:

    NO2 – HALOGEN M3
    NO2 – SUPA FLY

  262. Anonymous says:
  263. James says:

    it shoud really be called “Full Blown”

    but given the theme of the blog i think
    -N02 Transform

    would also be fitting.

    also kev, fantastic job with your transformation, really inspiring stuff

  264. Jim says:

    NO Wonder
    NO Doubt
    No Pain NO Gain
    NO Excuses
    NO Boundaries
    NO Question

  265. Chuck says:


  266. Martin Fever says:

    You are what you do FULLBLOWN

  267. troy says:

    il go with:
    By Levrone

  268. Math says:

    Just ideas : )

  269. That Dude says:

    kev how about you formulate the product into some bologna, then call your product “Levrone Bologna”

    Ill be waiting by the phone.

  270. Justin says:

    NO2-Pump Action by the way you put the weight on the poles on the prowler sled theyre supposed to go on the black poles.

  271. Dominik says:

    i wanna call it muscle maschine explosion best wishes from germany good luck kevin

  272. Andy says:

    NOXROXX Formula By Kevin Levrone.

  273. Jurgen says:

    “Torn”, by LevrONE

    “No Way”, by LevrONE

    “Say NO”, by LevrONE

  274. Phaedrus says:

    N.O SelfGainer

  275. Torsten says:

    Hi Kevin,

    what do you think of:

    TTS = Total Transformation Solution

    TTT = Total Transformation Technology

    T³ by M³

  276. Phaedrus says:

    N.O. SelfAssurance

  277. McLovin says:

    NO-Way by Kevin Levrone

  278. Michel R says:

    I’m not going through all the names, but this morning I had the idea of leverage since the muscles are just that and I thought of a combination of Levrone… So I came up with LevrONage. It’s a lil combo of Levrone, ownage and leverage… LevrOwNage, might just be good as well, but ok heheh…

    Some catchphrase would be in order, but I’m not sure which one yet…

    ‘In the gym you cross the edge… LevrO(w)Nage is all you need’

    Something of the sort…

  279. Gayle says:

    N.O. SWEAT

    do it. do it.

  280. Josef Jonsson says:

    BullDozer workout
    Easy pump

  281. Torsten says:

    Valesco by KL

  282. Torsten says:

    Valesco does mean to grow strong

  283. alberto says:


    Levrone´s insane transformation supp


    Kev´s insane


    Levrone´s enhanced supp


    Levrone´s enhanced formula


    Kevin Levrone´s alternativ product


    Levrone´s extrem nitric

  284. troy says:

    haha yeh or ‘No-Baloney’ By Levronie

  285. Doofus says:

    NO Shit

  286. Matty says:

    hooked up

  287. Rob t says:

    I’d call it “N-O PAIN” sice you said it’s n-o based.


  288. Anton says:


    Full Blast
    NOx Blown
    NOx Blast

  289. Carles says:


  290. aryez says:

    N.O growth,,, N.O gear,,,,N.O attack,,,,N.O force,,,,N.O fuel,,,N.O strenth,,,N.O gain,,N.O 3m,,,N.O rush

  291. JayJ1 says:

    Lift Off by Kevin Levrone.

    It is about getting big fast which is what you have done alot. it reminds me of lifting off a weight off and pumping out a set so it has two meaning.

  292. Antonio says:


  293. willwest says:

    New KL Xstream (now in 3 formulas ) completly legal
    KLabol (for bulking)
    KLadrol(for strength)
    KLavar (for cutting)

  294. Gorilla says:

    l-arginine + l-ornitin
    vitamins whey protein

    i know that u know exactly what u need but just for fun 🙂

    and all respect man for running this site 🙂
    sometimes when i need inspiration i just vist this site 🙂 and of course i keep checking the vids everyday :)….. everything that can be said is already said all i can say is RESPECT

  295. andrew says:

    NO Lion
    Dynamite 88
    KL Rocket
    Super k

  296. Andrew says:


  297. mike says:

    NO2 – REFLEX

  298. Bas says:

    :O so many good names

    Kev bev(erage) ^^ no let me think..
    Could even make that Kev Lev Bev.. lol

    NOw get to work / NOw lift some weights / NOw do your thing / NOw is the time

  299. andy says:

    Mr Big
    The Boss
    NO 2 Grow

  300. Jesse says:

    Diesel Fuel
    Octane Pump

  301. Big Mike says:

    NO2 RAGE

  302. Bas says:

    Hmm I guess my post didn’t make it through :S well here it is again

    So many good names :O

    Kev Bev(erage) ^^..
    Could even make that Kev Lev Bev.. lol

    NOw get to work / NOw lift some weight(s) / NOw do your thing / NOw is the time

  303. Mihai says:

    The thing should pe called.
    NO2-Berserk by Kevin “Maryland Muscle Machine” Levrone.

  304. Callesteve says:

    How about: “E = M3 + NO2”

    E = Energy

    M3 = M3 (Levrone)Mass

  305. Vincent says:

    Going for a name with levrone in is just commercial and I don’t think you are that commercial so..

    You can just put your name on it in little letters on the bottom of it.

    My idea was Awesome-No or Extreme Charge. As you said, variation is the spice of life, so pick something anti cliché, it doesn’t always have to be about AWESOME NAMES and AWESOME BOXES, just make sure your product is working

    Simple NO Boost = good name

  306. christian says:

    wicked sunshine!!!
    the name fullblown reminds me of a viagra knockoff…

  307. stan100 says:

    THE levrONE formula

    The One part pops out same as the top part of the site. words under it that says One Dose. Infinite Pump. It blows out The One idea that i see each day when i come to the blog.

    • Tom K says:

      thats cold man, i had that name posted above just without the word formula on the end of it…that should be like a split decision or something considering i had posted it first =/

  308. Sander Kuusk says:

    There`s no mercy, there`s no beatiful girls, there`s only HARD WORK, TEARS & PAIN and main FOCUS and prove to yourself you are THE BEST!- Kevin Levrone!

    Sander Kuusk, Estonia

  309. christian says:

    habenero delight
    the hot fuss

  310. christian says:

    cant get enough of that name

  311. John says:


  312. Alex says:

    NO Regain
    NO Hulk
    M3 Hulk
    NO Focus
    NO Pump It

    just had some more, not sure how many we’re allowed to suggest!

  313. JORDAN says:



    go for that Kevin 🙂
    when i look at you in the videos i see that fire in your eyes, this supp deffinately helps you break the boundarys and up the ante in training

    by the way, i think a few people are spamming their answers!

  314. denny medeiros says:



  315. Margus says:

    FULL BLOWN ofcourse! no doubt there 🙂

  316. Ryan says:

    NO2 self, i must buy this….. 😉

  317. Mikael says:

    1. Levrone Transformation
    2. Levrone Sensation

    The names explains how we saw you gained mass and cut fat rappidly during your total rebuild on Levrone Report.

    Best regards
    Mikael – From Sweden

  318. Tony says:


  319. Justin Beman says:

    I posted in the wrong section, but No-LEVerage or LEVerage for short. Or a more meaningful name could be PHOENIX, it represents how it makes you feel and what you’ve achieved here with this website.

  320. Vitor Seifert says:

    NO focus sounds disgusting =p
    i think kev will have a lot of time spent on choosing 5 names

  321. mark0091 says:

    NO2 nutriblast

    NO match supplement


    ammunition stack

    pump rage


    NO cellfuel

  322. simon gellar says:


  323. vasyl says:

    Hey Kevin, what about


  324. colin says:

    ultimate rush!

  325. Pete H says:

    Kevin Levrone’s: LEVR-NO-E Blend

    Looking bettter each video Kevin! I’m addicted to this blog, thanks for the inspiration and insight into your methods.
    Pete H

  326. edwin says:

    Kevin Levrone’s Fullblown NO Boost mix

  327. colin says:

    i cant tell if my post is goin through but im call it

  328. christian says:


  329. Manuél says:

    levrONE Prodigy!

  330. Jason says:

    Use “FULL BLOWN” for your new product!

  331. wes says:

    1)NO surrender by Kevin levrone

    2)NO or M3 euphoria

    3)NO or M3 blow out

    4)NO or M3 Levrage

  332. kt says:


    Pretty simple. The N.O. name is getting too saturated it todays supplement market…..I think, but who cares.

    Good luck with it. Hope it does well.

  333. wes says:


  334. AKurban says:

    Hey Kev,

    Since you are obviously going through this transformation all-natural and your product is NO-based, I think an appropriate name would be..

    “NO JUICE” as in…



    NO JUICE (Nitric Oxide Mix)

    Good Luck and thanks for the opportunity!

  335. Andrew says:

    HEY KEVIN, im the guy who told you i was doing the 70 pound dumbells. Things are going great more weight makes me feel more alive and stronger. Keep upthe blog brother i for one hope it never ends

  336. Greg Rask says:

    My apolagies if someone posted this.I looked didnt see it.My idea






  337. Chris Winfield says:



    Its a supplement , of course u want it to have a good name , that is going to represent levrone , but cmon have the curtiousy to look up if their in use before posting. Or else its just a waste of space and a lawsuit on kevins part if he chooses the name and markets it even if its a low selling supplement thats not widely marketed.

    Full blow , is ALREADY TAKEN.. anything with full blown is going to be not worth using , full blown power , … you could use it but it’d be cheesy due to the fact full blown is taken. So if anything it could even be used as a subcategory for a “full blown” product… So a lawsuit could occur or harder marketed product due to competition for name.

    The actually dont care to have a free sample of the product im just looking to make sure kevins product is marketed and named 100% successfully since I have respect for him and want to ensure things go smooth. I also hope the product is never overhyped , and let the fans and users of the product down. I trust levrone , and trust hes going to make a great product.

    “N-O-verhype” “NO-Overhype , NOverhype

    I actually dont even car if you choose my name and dont give me a sample , of course I’d take it to see if it works to recommend it to friends needing a boost. But it wouldnt matter to me either way.

    Just put out a quality , product aiming more for results than profit.

  338. Cody says:

    Names for your product

    “Live like LevrONe N.O”
    capitilized the ON… stole the ON idea from another post

    “Maryland Muscle Machine: N.O. Ammo”

    “Reload Explode”

    “N.O EGO”

    “N.O Plateau”

    “The chosen LevrONE”

  339. Tony Turitto says:

    Product name = “The Dirt”
    “Where is my Dirt”
    “Here, Take some dirt before you train.”

  340. Mark says:


  341. John says:

    Hydra pump

  342. New Zealand says:

    Damn, this has got to be the most replies you’ve had since you started out, amazing actually, goes to show how many people you have touched thru this.

    Your results are amazing Kevin, your idea of posting all of this is also, alot of people (myself included) all over the world are following you on this Transformation journey, been doing your workouts since day 1.

    As I’m in New Zealand, I hope your product doesn’t contain ingredients that are banned here as I’m very keen to try some and the only reason why is because it has your name on it.

    Keep up the great work Kevin, keep it real and raw.

    My Product name suggestion is “B-RAW-Nitro”

    Thanks 🙂

  343. Tony says:

    “The Dirt”

    “Here, take this Dirt before you train.”
    “Did your Dirt come yet.”
    “Are you taking any Dirt?”

  344. Trevor says:


    Thanks for the inspiration! You’ve helped me reach a point where I feel much more comfortable with myself and provided good diet/training knowledge which has helped me at work with customers and at the gym with my friends.

    My suggestion for your product’s name is KL-Oxygen.

    It’s a bold, classy name which diplays your initials and doesn’t need to be marketed using one of the numerous “Explosion!” or “Fury!” words that make the rest of the competition look cheesy and overdone!

    Also, it opens the door for a whole KL-“x” line. For instance, a protein could be KL-Recovery, or KL-Isolate etc etc.

    Thanks for the fun and I’m here for the whole ride with you!

  345. Cody says:

    a few more for you

    “NO bullshit”
    Since other companies speak bullshit about their product but yours actually works. and if thats is to vulgar then you can spell it “NO bullfit” which the word fits works with working out but still kind of sounds like shit. or you could spell it “NO bullphit” but pronounced like fit.

    “An army of Levrone”

  346. Cody says:

    another one

    “the levrONE and only”

  347. Benigno says:

    NO-STOP GAINING or NO-STOP GAINER by Kevin Levrone. 🙂


  348. Tony S says:


  349. Raphael says:

    you should call it HYPER PUMP M3

  350. Marcel says:

    One word/name that describes the beginning of every task that requires hard work and the results will be notice to all!


    Keep it up Kevin, your a natural motivator!

  351. steve says:


  352. Ben L. says:

    call it transformax
    because its the maximum transformation

  353. Dennis P says:

    Kevin Levrone’s


    (I’m available to help with designing packaging graphics as well.)

  354. Lyotoo says:

    NO Prime

    or Optimal NO

    or NO XCore

  355. Marcel says:

    Here’s one more for you;


  356. Marcel says:


  357. Daniel of Sweden says:

    So this blog turns out to be just a marketing scheme after all…? If so I feel sad for all the fools that buy the product.

    • Jana says:

      Hey Sweden,

      Let me tell you a little something about the U.S.- it takes a little more than putting a pretty pink bow around your product to make it successful.
      Kevin is actually taking part in the idea, and not just leaving it up to a small group of “let me thinkers” to do all the work.
      Anyone who critizises the effort he is putting into a product that can TRULY be respected…. needs to back off.
      There is nothing wrong with involvement.

      The U.S. Product Success Rate

      • Daniel of Sweden says:

        I know how much hard work it is to get a product out on the market successfully, and I respect that work. But I don’t respect is lies and shady marketing. This, I was hoping for, was a true blog about Kev working his way back to a unique physique. Now it looks like it’s just a smoke wall to disguise the launch a new product. And I feel cheated.

        Let me tell you a little something about Sweden – it takes a lot more work than cheating and lies to make your product successful.

        But that might just be me, as well. I just won’t buy the product, feeling the way I feel about it.

      • Jana says:


        I fully respect your opinion, and it certainly does not matter to me if you buy “the product” or not.
        I do understand where you are coming from, but at least there is truth behind what Kevin is doing.
        The truth being: he is obviously putting in the HONEST hard work and focus it takes to transform one’s body naturally. You have to give him that.
        Whether his intentions are to comlete an underlying task or not.
        Now, would you rather buy a supplement from 3 skinny/nerdy men wanting to make money and know nothing about bodybuilding?
        OR- would you want to buy a product from somone who actually cares enough to go the extra mile and involve himself mentally, emotionally, and physically…?

        I respect your opinion- and I only became interested in all of this because my fiance is a bodybuilder as well.
        So, I am really just telling you how I feel without being bias.
        I see your point- I just wanted to further explain mine! (and Sweden is a beautiful country)

      • Daniel of Sweden says:

        Thank you for the reply, I really appreciate all of what you wrote.

        I can honestly say that I felt a bit cheated, and I still do. I would have preferred him playing with open cards about his new product. For example telling us first that this blog is about him trying to {showing} impressively build up his body using a newly formulated supplement. If it works, and we like what we see, it would be the launch of the new product. Open cards, that’s it.

        In my opinion that’s the right way to do it.

        And again, thank you. My day suddenly felt a bit better.

  358. SAV GHEORGHE says:

    from Kevin Levrone

    Get the NEW !NO! SOURCE! based formula for bigger, stronger and leaner muscles!

    Don’t just believe in this guy’s infinite wisdom! GET OUT THERE AND TRY IT!

    !NO! SOURCE!

    for really smart guys…

  359. Jon B says:

    1.) Leverage

  360. Eric says:

    I posted NO-Transform earlier but I think this sounds better and may look better on the label


  361. Will says:

    FIRESTARTER—Bringin’ the heat
    Tried, Tested, Levrone Approved

    Goodluck with the supplement line Kevin! I’m excited to get my hands on it. This website is great, I enjoy checking it everytime I’m on the internet. I’d love to see you back on the Olympia stage. If that happens or not, it’s great to see you back in the gym anyways. Goodluck Big Guy!

  362. TFY says:

    Many thanks for continuing to inspire us all, Kevin.
    My naming suggestion: LevRAGE
    (Levrone, rage, and leverage all in one)

  363. Sean Hashemi says:

    Second Coming


    N.O. Catapult

  364. WillD says:


  365. WillD says:


  366. RoB says:

    Kevin Levrone Presents:

    N.O BABY
    Ultra Oxcide
    Nitric Oxtaine
    Dasvidaniya (LoL)

  367. RoB says:


  368. Enzo says:

    The KevLev
    KevLev IntenZ or In10Z (the brand is KevLev)
    KevLev Levitate
    KevLev Crush
    Crush Xpress
    Kevin Levrones Natural Blend
    The Essence Of Kevin Levrone
    Some Kind Of NOnster

    King Krush – by Kevin Levrone

  369. Kain6033 says:

    Hi Kevin!

    My idea: Blow-through!

    It’ll blow us through the training, with its unlimited power!

    Kevin Levrone’s Blow-through!

  370. edwin says:

    Levrone Report Intensity MIX

    N.O Drive

    Secret Weapon


    Blast Off

  371. John H says:


  372. Marcel K says:

    Hey Kev!
    my idea:
    !The Levronator!

  373. Kevin says:

    “power in powder” by levrone !

    “levrone’s power powder”

    “levrone’s secret”

    “muscle powder”

  374. Goran says:

    LEXANOFIRE – as Levrone’s X-treme Anti-fatigue NO Blend

    or just

    XANOFIRE – as X-treme Anti-fatique NO Blend

  375. Giljotinen says:

    Chemical Bomb
    Natural Transformation
    NTB – Natural transformation booster
    Levrone effect
    NO Fatigue
    Natural Enhancer
    Nitrid Levroxcide
    Nutritional Enhancer
    Fatigue Negater
    Max F&I (focus & intensity)

  376. ipole says:

    keep it simple , just HEAT ,TNT somethinglike that i guess 😛

    to bad im not very creative 😦

    greetz from germany

  377. stercus says:

    VWR – Visualize Work Reward

  378. Twin_Master says:





  379. Matt S says:

    So I have been reading the post and notice people reposting there names, so I thought I would repost mine. HEADRUSH … Well God Bless and good night to everyone out there..

  380. Dennis says:

    i could not get online yesterday cuz of the storms up here in v.t. but i got a few 4 ya kev.
    FULL SWULL…or just SWOLL…
    LIQUID THUNDER…feel the power
    INTENSITY…cuz we all know intensity = immensity
    THICKNESS…we all have a sickness for thickness,baby
    if i think of more i will send them…if they sucked…sorry man…haha

  381. stego says:

    NO-FACTOR.. by Levrone

  382. Luke H. says:


  383. adam tatham says:

    probs the thrid time this has come up from me not sure if its posting up coz i can never see them grrr

  384. Dave says:

    -POUND OUT- by Kevin Levrone

  385. D Rock says:

    “On The Line” or “M4 Motivation”

  386. adam tatham says:

    ffs mine still doesnt seem to appear up on the thread

  387. Kostas Rod. says:

    1)Levropump extreme Anti-fatigue Formula
    2)Levronius Oxide
    3)Kevformation’s Impossible Mix(based on real experiment)

  388. Adam Ceslik says:

    “APAL – As Pumped As Levrone”

    and shorter form just:

    “Levrone-Pump™ “

    • Adam Ceslik says:

      I am thinking about complete product range of this name:

      “As Fast As Levrone” – Energizing complex

      “As Ripped and Shredded As Levrone” – Cutting edge formula

      “As Massive As Levrone” – Protein blend

      “As Big As Levrone” – Carbohydrate-Creatin matrix

      “As Good As Levrone” – Secret Not-Specifie weapon

  389. Andrew says:



  390. Andy says:

    Kevin Levrone’s Infinite Wisdim

  391. Andy says:

    Infinite Wisdom*

  392. Elias says:

    Levrone transformation supplement

  393. Force says:


  394. C. Haze says:

    1) N.O.- All Out
    2) kryptonite
    3) Fully focused
    4) no- bounce
    5) kevbolics
    6) body riot
    7) tarantula
    8) Full Stryke
    9) N.O. Stomp
    10) N.O. Restless

  395. C. Haze says:

    11) N.O. baNg Out

  396. Rob says:

    Hey kevin,

    Here’s another suggestion, one word…”AMBROSIA”.

    Or perhaps even “M3-AMBROSIA” or “AMBROSIA by M3”.

    The word ‘Ambrosia’ is Greek for “food/drink of the gods”. Often associated with ‘imortality’ – ambrosia was the special drink brought by doves to the Greek Gods in Olympus.

    When people think of kevin Levrone, they think of one of the elite few, one of the best physiques of all time ever to walk planet Earth, they basically think of you as ‘one of the gods!’.

    I think Ambrosia is perfect! it’s original, fresh, classy, has deep meaning and sums up both you and your product very well.

    • Rob says:

      Sorry kevin, I just re-read ya latest post.

      Ok, forget the M3 bit, I will go with my original idea – just one word…”AMBROSIA”.

      From what you said;
      “…It makes me feel heated up, pumped and focused, and it allows me to get through ridiculously long, hard workouts”.

      Sounds like it basically gives you (naturally as close to as possible) immortal/superhuman strength (mentally and physically) – which is ‘exaxctly’ what the word ‘AMBROSIA’ is about. The word itself conjures up images of: imortality, drink of the gods, greatness etc – just what you and your product are about.

      Anyway, good luck Kevin in choosing. So many suggestions which shows just how much of an impact and large fan following you have.

      Thanks again man.


  397. Jason says:

    N.O. Surrender

  398. Miller says:

    How about:

    Levrone Limitless
    M3 Diesel Power
    Maryland Mind-blow

    Amazing transformation Kevin, loving your blog.



  399. C. Haze says:

    2 more suggestions

    – Nitric Thriller
    – Hurricane by levrone

  400. Flex Wheeler says:

    I would call it NO NINJAS – keep the ninjas away of your great results.


  401. peter says:

    “WORK”. its all about putting in the work. doing the work. taking a scoop of “work”

  402. valentin says:

    n.o muscle come back
    magic levrone no
    real levrone no
    levrone attaque no
    levrone detonator no
    full muscle no
    extreme levrone no
    power pump levrone no

  403. ARYEZ says:


  404. Andy Blinston says:

    Liquid Energy
    Liquid Fuel

  405. Eric Holmes says:

    Kevin Levrone’s ‘Muscle Vision’ – bringing in that visualization concept you talked about.

  406. Dennis says:

    N.O.LIMITS or N.O.No Limits

  407. Torsten says:

    Laxamentum stands for developing, growing, growth


  408. Eric says:


  409. Eric says:

    N.O Dynamite

  410. wes says:

    Heat euphoria

  411. Phil says:

    I thought about variants around the word “Velocity” or “Veloce”, in italian, which defines speed and direction. Which bodybuilder isn’t looking for a product that gives rapid and ever increasing results?

    Product names ideas:
    – VelocExpander / Veloce Expander
    – VelocExtreme / Veloce Extreme
    – VelocIgniter / Veloce Igniter
    – Veloce Extreme Igniter NO (V.E.I.N.)

    Company/Brand name ideas (just in case 😉 :
    – Veloce Nutrition (or Velocity Nutrition)
    – VelociTech Nutrition
    – LKB Nutrition (Levrone Knows Best Nutrition)

  412. Tony says:

    NO2 Burnout

  413. Tony says:

    NO 2 Top Fuel!

  414. Cody says:


  415. Oliver3012 says:

    Natural Pump

  416. mrstainless says:


  417. The Rock says:

    Lev-THE-One By Levrone Nutrition

    Nitro-one/Nitrone By Levrone Nutrition

    Nitricius By Levrone Nutrition

  418. Andrey says:

    lol Shrugs only 405 lbs x6 =D
    I’am twice smaller than you and doing the same
    but keep going man, inspire us all

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