Levrone Transformation, Week 6, Legs • LevroneReport.com

Here are the leg photos from Sunday. Check out three clips below from today’s leg workout.

The leg strength is starting to happen. Ended my squat workout with three sets of 275 lbs and hit 405 lbs x 6 on my last set of hack squats. These numbers are way up from last time. Trained a little lighter than before on leg extensions and lying down curls. Shows I spent more energy on mass building squats and didn’t have as much left for the machines. Fine by me.

RX Muscle challenged me to take a steroid test yesterday in a radio interview with Dave Palumbo and John Romano. I agreed to take any test, as long as it was credible, both now and at the end of the eight weeks. Sooner the better. They’ll be putting something together hopefully in the next week. Whatever goes down, you guys will be first to know – I’ll be posting details of the whole experience, right here.

After you check out the leg clips and full program from today, listen to the interview and check out the Levrone Agrees To Steroid Test! announcement on rxmuscle.com. They’re skeptical, but both Dave and John said if I test clean it will be good for the sport of bodybuilding. I guess that’s good news for bodybuilding, because I’m definitely clean.

– Kevin

Picture 52090

Squats) 135 x 6, 185 x 6, 225 x 6, 275 x 6, 275 x 6, 275 x 6 Reps.
(Hack Squats) 225 x 6, 315 x 6, 315 x 6, 405 x 6 Reps.
(Leg Ext) 80 x 12, 100 x 12, 100 x 12, 100 x 15 Reps.
(Lying Leg Curls) 80 x 12, 100 x 12, 100 x 12, 100 x 15 Reps.
135 lbs x 6
185 lbs x 6
225 lbs x 6
275 lbs x 6
275 lbs x 6
275 lbs x 6
Hack Squats
225 lbs x 6
315 lbs x 6
315 lbs x 6
405 lbs x 6
Leg Extensions
80 lbs x 12
100 lbs x 12
100 lbs x 12
100 lbs x 15
Lying Leg Curls
80 lbs x 12
100 lbs x 12
100 lbs x 12
100 lbs x 15
Picture 56
Listen To Full Interview

64 Responses to Levrone Transformation, Week 6, Legs • LevroneReport.com

  1. Roger says:

    Well done! Those legs are seriously growing. Your upper body is looking a lot fuller too.

    I have no doubt that you’re doing it clean. I mean come on. But good that you’re doing the test. That’ll shut a few people up.

  2. Rodney says:

    Way to go Kevin!!! I knew something like this was going to come about sooner or later. I think you should do this body transformation for longer than 8 weeks though. Obviously, I don’t think you are going to stop hitting the gym at the end of that time, but I know you could get into even better shape if you did a full 16 week length contest type prep. I know you will pass the test no problem. You are the man.


  3. Bakri New Zealand says:

    Great interview Kevin 🙂

    Awesome leg workout!, will be trying this exact routine next leg day, can’t wait to see those extra plates going on with ease in the coming weeks.

    Keep up the awesome work bro.

    Kiwi Stylez all the way!!!

  4. Congrats on the photos and the results – like previous weeks’ photos, the latest ones are impressive. It will be a good thing to have the tests done – just to shut up the skeptics.

    The “genetic marvel” and muscle memory factors are part of your results — but the mind / visualization / body growing into the picture in your mind must also be part of it — something you talked about in one of the early videos. If you cared to expand on that some time, it would make for an interesting video.

    The excursion into the world of the finger man indicated to me an open and searching mind – willing to look and learn in areas we don’t normally scan – ie the mind of a champion.

  5. Savier says:

    Awesome leg workout man. Legs are looking good, brining them up nicely. You’re looking great man. No doubt your doing it natural. Keep It up, its motivating to say the least. That test will hopefully shut everyone up….people will still bitch and try to find something. But you know the truth and thats all that matters. You’re looking great man, keep going.

  6. Moz says:

    Kevin interesting interview.

    Can I make a suggestion.


    Keep up the good work.

  7. M3 says:


    Like the rest of the loyal fans here, I have no doubt you’re clean. Time to put these doubters to sleep. Legs are looking great and everything else too! Keep going kev, u r an inspiration.

  8. Eric says:


    You have some big hamstrings, actually thick legs all around. I must say I’m not that really surprised of the gains you have made. You are a professional bodybuilder, you were one of the best in the world. In 92 in my opinion you were the best in the world! You are obviously blessed with great genentics. Still look great after all these years, good to see you back in the gym and very excited to have this opportunity to see one of my favorite bodybuilders working out. Natural and all, still one of my favorites. Thanks Kev!

  9. Gil from Aussie Land says:

    Seriously looking Great Kevin..Man your strenght is impressive also.
    Got no dought you will get very close to achieving your 245 lbs..But Can you really get back to your ” Mr Olympia ” look … Sceptical !!! unless you trained an additional 8 – 10 weeks.. I am still 100% backing you…
    Keep it up …You R the Man

    Gil from Melbourne

  10. Lloyd says:

    Awsomeness Kev! Your hard work and focus is incredible.
    I’m right behind you man. Great workouts & tips.
    Welcome back….

  11. matt says:

    hey kevin, just want to let you know that I really appreciate what you’re doing here on this blog. this whole blog is above and beyond, especially how you keep us up to date pretty much daily. from a fan’s perspective, this is really a cool experience. thanks.

    baltimore, md

  12. matt says:

    What are doing October 17? Are you going to be in Australia? Natural Olympia

  13. SammieSam says:

    i wish there was a before and after picture for the legs. i want to see the huge difference. legs are really coming along

  14. Juiced03 says:

    Kevin awesome job man. This is inspiring to alot of us since you had one of the greatest builds and awesome training videos.
    Can’t wait till your juice test to shut these haters up. Cant wait till you post your diet you have to be eating like a ANIMAL!
    Keep it up Kevin would love to see how far you can take this! Much respect!

  15. jack fisher says:

    really impressed with your blog. Putting all the haters to rest : )

  16. Agostino says:

    Very good training Kevin!

  17. Will says:

    Well if you have taken AAS or similar performance enhancing drugs they still change the physiology of the muscle cells for up to 10 years after quitting. Even though a negative test.

    Still the effect is not close to someone using AAS atm, but you still Levrone, have a bigger advantage because of this compared to an another genetically gifted individual

    • Leep says:

      All of you natural guys whining about the advantages of steroids! You know what, no ones forcing you not to take gear. If you don’t want to take it that’s your choice, but don’t knock those that have the balls to go all out to get what they want.
      Personally I think that if a consenting, adult bodybuilder wants to use then that’s their choice. If you get a headache what do you do? Walk around in pain expecting everyone to respect you for not grabbing a handful of aspirin?

      • lol, and that’s the issue with people taking drugs in sports. Competing people shouldn’t have to drug themselves just to compete since there are risks involved. Cheating people on drugs ruins the sports.

        What people do for themselves doesn’t matter as much imho but it’s sad when you have to compare yourself to people who haven’t played by the same rule book.

  18. Mike Warner (UK) says:

    Hey Kevin,

    I really enjoyed the radio interview, some really good points made and some exciting news realeased!
    You are really motivating me to train harder, eat cleaner and rest more.
    My development has increased and that is thanks to you.
    Please continue the blog after 8 weeks…!
    Good luck for the rest of week 6 and into week 7.


  19. Alan says:

    Hey Kevin,
    Great training again ! Just one question, don’t know if the answer is already there. How many time do you rest between sets ?
    I’m following the same routine as you which is 6 reps for massive excercices and i take 2″ 2″30 rest.
    What about you ?
    Alan from France

  20. Mike Warner says:

    Awesome inspiration Kevin,


  21. Dragos says:

    What about Growth Hormone Kev? Seeing as its insulin based, theres no real test for it 😐

    We all know growth hormone is performance enhancing, but can be considered “medical” if you tell your doctor you have a hormone deficiency.

    I am not accusing you of anything, just asking. I’d take your word for it, you have nothing to prove my man.

    • Not taking growth hormone.

      • NYC Monstah says:

        I don’t believe you.

      • Dave S says:

        NYC MONSTAH – if you dont believe him, funnel your energy elsewhere, and start visiting another site, its REDUNDANT and POINTLESS TO KEEP BICKERING ABOUT IT. Stop being a little girl. Let him do his thing, if you dont respect him enough to believe him then GTFO. Either way start worrying about yourself more and spend some more time in the gym rather than worrying about whos taking what.

    • kevin says:

      hmmm NYC monstah,

      I don’t think you know how this genetic freak is living for this sport right now…
      1) sleap
      2) traint
      3) eat

      I don’t doubt kevin. Why shoud I?
      I can understand you sceptibal but I think the tests will solve your problem 🙂
      greets from belgium !

      PS: kev, keep on pumping my bro!
      respect !

    • DIdn’t build my career on it, never taken it, don’t know much about it at all.

  22. Sanderucho says:

    Awesome Kev, keep it up!

  23. jasper says:

    awesome, respect kevin

  24. Rob says:

    Legs are starting to look awesome again Kevin – well done!!!

    Any special tips for getting huge calves would be much appreciated.

  25. Rob says:

    Hey kevin,

    Any chance of giving us your current leg measurements (ie quads, calves etc – that would be awesome!

    Thanks man.

  26. Leep says:

    I hope that all of this hasn’t all been done with an agenda in mind but as it goes on it’s looking more and more that way.
    I just hope that Kevin is being honest about the drugs issue. I’ve trained both on the gear and naturally and don’t have any hang-ups about drugs in bodybuilding at all. And quite frankly anyone who looks at the modern bodybuilding scene and says that drugs have no place is being stupidly naive.
    The only problem I have is athletes with physiques that have been developed using drugs putting their development down to some natural substance that they want to sell (usually for an over-inflated price) and advertising it in a way that would lead more naive/inexperienced customers into believing that they can build a professional bodybuilders size and shape body using only natural supplements.
    FWIW I have had good results using Creatine based products but I have also used Gear in the past and honestly you can get a pretty good physique without steroids but if you want a really huge physique then the only way is with Steroids and Growth Hormone.
    Yes, if you’ve used steroids in the past to build a huge physique then you will be able to get a lot of that back or maintain it without the gear, but you’ll need drugs at sometime if you’re looking to get really, really big. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying either out of a sense of responsibility to younger, more impressionable gym users or to get you to part with your cash by making you believe that you can look like a pro using NOS, Creating, Glutamine, Protein etc.

    • Leep, I’ll say it: you CAN’T look like a pro using just NOS, Creatine, Glutamine, protein. However, the personal concoction I’ve been taking helps me explode through some killer workouts I couldn’t have done otherwise, so it’s a HUGE factor in my transformation.

      I laugh when I read the “agenda” talk. This blog is becoming a case study on how NOT to make money. 🙂 I’m cool with that because being bottom-line fixated does not help bodybuilding’s cause. It cheapens the industry. It breeds some of the deception you’re talking about.

      I’m going to keep it real and help as many people I can. I think that’s my calling right now. Whatever happens, happens. The best growth in life, body building and business comes naturally. Sharing my mix isn’t counter to any of that.

      • Leep says:

        Kevin, Thank you for your very honest and open response. My apologies for the agenda remark, I hope I haven’t caused offence where none was intended. I was responding to your comments on the radio interview where you said that if there was a call for this mixture you may consider releasing it for sale and following some of the other remarks written on this blog I did begin to wonder. Having said that if you need to make a living from your sport then why not release it. No one on here has the right to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do and I have no doubt it would sell very well (hell, I’d try some without hesitation). Personally I began my own journey back to bodybuilding about 12 weeks ago from giving up because I had stopped taking Sustanon250 and D-bol and didn’t think I could do it without those drugs. I was wrong and have built back all of the muscle naturally that I built using steroids. For what it’s worth, this website has been an incredible inspiration to me.
        I think my comments should really have been targeted at the adds showing heavy drug using champs (which I don’t have a problem with, that’s what the fans want to see) stating that they have built their bodies with so and so’s protein powder, which of course they haven’t.
        They have built their bodies with incredible sacrifice, hardwork, discipline, a huge amount of high protein food, great genetics and drugs.

      • We’re on the same page man. Thanks for your support.

  27. spartacus says:

    i think they are jealous about your genetics,
    keep going and growing!!!!!!!!!

  28. jose says:

    Good work kevin. I will make it tomorrow!

    Could you post your diet please? you many meals you take per day?

  29. McK says:

    Leg training looks good, heavy squats with low enough reps, best way to do it, keep on rockin!

  30. Martin.B says:

    Hi Levrone
    I hope I can live to see thee times, all the best for her future …

    Special Greeeetz from Germany/Bayern/Munich

  31. Dennis says:

    i hope you are clean,i feel you are clean,anyone who has followed you over the years knows you are a freak when it comes to rebounding after a layoff or injury. i have been clean my whole life and have been accussed of doing shit alot, i started traning at 5’9″ 118lbs and after 18years(ya it’s a long time) i walk around a pretty tight 245lbs…265 off season, i found the guy’s that are doing crap and still can’t get big are the ones that need to stop talking about clean people that can, and get to work…Palumbo should of done more of that…haha, just funnin..?

  32. Rodney says:

    Man those hamstrings are really poppin’ there Kevin. So are the calves, but you always had good calves regardless. I can’t wait for you to really start packing on the muscle on the quads. Like you said on the RXMuscle show, once you hit 315-405lbs in the squats and benching…hold on to your hats folks, this shits gonna get ridiculous!

  33. William says:

    Show em Kev..
    I don’t care if you do this transformation with or without.. u’re just amazing and the progress u’ve done has never been done before.
    RESPECT to you

    William from Sweden

  34. Niko says:

    Very nice calves you got there Kevin! Haven’t seen you even doing any training for them? Side chest pose looks great, but would look much better without the shirt 😀

  35. NYC Monstah says:

    I met Bill Pearl 15 years ago and he told me supplements were bullshit and to not waste my money them. I am glad I channeled my energies and money to college. Bodybuilding is a very serious hobby to help me in business and that is it. Everybody should have this perspective. I disagree with kevin that NOS, creatine etc will make you as big as a pro. That line might work on a 16 yr old but not a 34 yr old. Hope this helps. Kids go to school and just lift to burn the stress.

    • Leep says:

      I think you are referring to Kevin’s response to my own remarks.
      If that is the case please reread and you’ll see that he said he agreed with me that you CAN’T build a pros physique using only those supplements.
      I don’t blame him for not wanting to make too many comments directly about steroids as in the USA they are illegal drugs unlike here in the UK where you can take as much Shit as you like and no one gives a shit!
      I do totally agree with your last comment, the ads that appear in the mags are designed to convince the more gullible readers that they can be the next Dorian, Jay, Ronnie etc just by spending a lot of money on their supplements, which of course is bull. Like you said that may work on teenagers but not grown men who have a bit more experience of how the world works.

    • cody- oregon says:

      he didn’t say that.. he said you can’t look like a pro using those supplements. he’s been keeping it real since he started. personally supplementation has given me a little edge and it’s a great motivator to get in the gym and perform at your peak. I’m a broke college student and can say that it’s not burning a hole in my pocket. I bought a 20 dollar container of creatine monohydrate online and it’s lasted me 3 months so far and is still half full.. I get my protein from wal mart and it’s $14 for a month worth. Real advice. Don’t get supplementation from big corporations. I shit my pants the first time I walked into a GNC and seen all the junk they have for five times it’s actual value. Shop online or reasonable stores and don’t buy junk. Don’t spend $50 because something has some top of the line “delivery system” or something to that effect. Thats shit, it doesn’t make a difference.

  36. daw666 says:

    dude! i’ve been reading your blogs for quite a while now and i gotta say your transformation is the most motivating thing i’ve seen in a looooong time!
    cheers from germany bro 😉

  37. pathtech69 says:


    Thank F@*k at last there seems to be a sensible persons approach to what is what and what is not in bodybuilding, I for one cannot bear to listen to cheap trick shots by so many pro’s.
    I’ve used gear a plenty and though I am mightily impressed by what Kevin is doing, I would really like to hear from Kevin although not advocated in any way what it was he did before to become a top pro???
    Anyone else like to hear that kind of info???

    Regards Pathtech69

    • T says:

      I’d like to know the doses and timing of gh, slin, etc that was used. Be interesting to hear!

      • Leep says:

        It might be difficult for Kevin to answer that. If for instance he said that up to a certain show he used this drug and that drug and it turns out that the show was taking place during a period when steroids were/are illegal in the USA he may be leaving himself open to prosecution.
        But I agree it would be very interesting. But even then, without the right genetics and all of the other components in place other people aren’t going to get the results the pros do and you could end up with teenagers and guys in their early twenties reading it and going out a doing a large stack for far too long that’s going to totally mess up their bodies and shut down their endochrine systems (which can lead to infertility and impotence.
        I can’t imagine Kevin wanting that on his conscience.

  38. raw says:

    Very good progress man.
    Actually I’m doing exactly the same thing as you – coming back after 4 years of no serious training.
    Well maybe not 100%, cause I’m aiming at 190 lbs.

    So far I’ve been doing pretty well and my progress is almost matching yours.

    This blog is really a big motivation booster for me so keep up the pace!

  39. antman says:

    more metallica!

  40. Andrew says:

    Kevin you are our hero we believe you when you say youre not taking steroids. I cant wait for you to prove these guys wrong.
    god bless you Kevin great work great motivator great inspiration.

  41. Andrew says:

    Kevin i just heard the radio interview and i think them guys are a little bit out of line They are trying to push you into saying you are on steroids. A bit out of line saying bodybuilding legend would be lying

  42. Fordman65 says:

    I applaud you for stepping up to the challenge of these guys (eventhough you have nothing to prove). Shows a real sincere desire on your part to help the sport.

    Man, I hate being sick I want to get in the gym Nao! lol

  43. Mark says:

    Kevin! Did it say that Conte fella would be doin your test,big no no i know who he is and he was chief drug supplier to Dwaine Chambers and sure its all natural but the credibility of it has been blow out the water

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